(Health) At Our Bodies Our Blog: Sorting Out Plan B Availability

There have been new approvals for generic, one-pill, and OTC access for 17-year-olds related to Plan B that – to me, at least – make figuring out what is available to who (whom? I never get that right) kind of confusing. For example, there’s a new generic version, but women 18 and older can’t officially have it yet, but they maybe could as an off-label prescription. Yesterday at Our Bodies Our Blog, I went over the new approvals and products, and included a handy (I hope) table in an attempt to clarify the availability issue for the current situation. Head on over and take a look.

On a semi-related note, I keep meaning to take a photo of the instructions that come with my oral contraceptive, instructions that fold out to the size of a person. I have a graduate degree, and there are things in there I’m not sure I’m interpreting correctly. Hmph.

Posted in Access, Rights, & Choice, Adolescent health, Contraception, Drugs, Women's health
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Tags (health, health issue, health news, health care, medicine, medical innovation, health problem)